Guide to Starting and Registering a Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia

Guide to Starting and Registering a Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia


  1. Requirements for Starting a Hospital in Jakarta
  2. Needed Documents for Hospital Registration
  3. Procedure for Submitting Applications
  4. Important Information and Exceptions
  5. Relevant Links and Resources
  6. Conclusion

Requirements for Starting a Hospital in Jakarta

  1. Legal Framework: The primary laws governing hospitals in Indonesia include:
    • Law No. 44 of 2009 on Hospitals
    • Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health
    • Law No. 20 of 2013 on Medical Education
    • Law No. 17 of 2023 on Health (Omnibus Health Law)
    • Presidential Regulation No. 10 of 2021
    • Government Regulation No. 5 of 2021
    • Government Regulation No. 47 of 2021
    • Minister of Health Regulation No. 14 of 2021
  2. Minimum Bed Requirements:
    • General Hospital: Minimum of 200 inpatient beds for foreign-owned hospitals.
    • Specialty Hospital: Minimum of 100 inpatient beds.
  3. Ownership Structure: Foreign ownership is allowed but subject to specific regulations and minimum bed requirements.
  4. Location and Facilities: The hospital must be located in a suitable area with adequate facilities to provide healthcare services.

Needed Documents for Hospital Registration

  1. Business License (SIUP): Required for operating a business in Indonesia.
  2. Location Permit (IMB): A permit to ensure the hospital is built in a designated area.
  3. Hospital Management Plan: A detailed plan outlining the hospital's operational structure, services, and management.
  4. Financial Statements: Proof of financial capability to operate the hospital.
  5. Health Facility License: Issued by the Ministry of Health.
  6. Staffing Plan: Details on medical and administrative staff qualifications and numbers.
  7. Building Specifications: Architectural plans and specifications of the hospital building.
  8. Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL): Required for assessing the environmental impact of the hospital.

Procedure for Submitting Applications

  1. Prepare Documents: Gather all required documents as listed above.
  2. Submit Application:
    • Where to Submit: Applications should be submitted to the Ministry of Health and the Local Government (Dinas Kesehatan) in Jakarta.
    • How to Submit: Applications can typically be submitted in person at the relevant offices. Some documents may also be submitted online through the Ministry of Health's official website.
  3. Review Process: The Ministry of Health will review the application and may request additional information or documents.
  4. Site Inspection: An inspection of the proposed hospital site may be conducted by health officials.
  5. Issuance of License: Upon approval, the hospital will receive a health facility license, allowing it to operate legally.

Important Information and Exceptions

  1. Ministry of Health of Indonesia: Kementerian Kesehatan
  2. Omnibus Health Law Overview: A Glance At Indonesia's Omnibus Health Law
  3. Cekindo - Opening a Hospital in Indonesia: Cekindo Blog
  4. Conventus Law - Key Highlights of Recent Regulations: Conventus Law
  5. Expat Indonesia - Registration in the National Health System: Expat Indonesia
  6. Herbert Smith Freehills - Future of Indonesian Hospitals: HSF Insights


Establishing a hospital in Jakarta requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and thorough documentation. It is advisable to consult with legal and healthcare professionals familiar with Indonesian regulations to navigate the complexities of the process effectively.

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